(Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong-il died of a heart attack while on a train trip, state media reported Monday, sparking immediate co...

(Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong-il died of a heart attack while on a train trip, state media reported Monday, sparking immediate co...
Controversial journalist Christopher Hitchens has finally succumbed to cancer of the esophagus. I will miss his work, but I still have more ...
I am not crazy about " The Walking Dead ," and I love horror films, including those in the zombie genre. I guess I just find this ...
This interesting analysis of the Anthony story is from the NiemanWatchdog.org blog, supported by Harvard University: The recent murder tri...
Most of the Casey Anthony news we see these days involve things that didn't happen. Among the latest, we just read Casey Anthony Not Of...
No one would argue that New York City is simply not the same city it was back during the 1970s to 1980s, and the results are good, crime wis...
The German city of Hanover was bombed to utter ruin in 1943. During 1944, many other cities in the Third Reich met the same, or worse, fate....
"You may want to consider donning a pair of quality hip waders before delving into the latest Casey Anthony article in the National Enq...
The HLN cable channel is ending the comedian Joy Behar’s two-year-old talk show, NYTimes.com reports. Behar will remain a co-host on “The V...
According to the Mail Online : Casey Anthony is lucky to be alive after allegedly surviving an assassination attempt at her Florida safe hou...
I knew it had to end eventually. I did some digging and was surprised to find that the deal behind the critically acclaimed TV series has al...
Everyone’s A Vampire From The Civil War - 2 - The Superficial : A photograph of a man from the 1860s that resembles John Travolta and/or p...
A pouting Casey in seemingly happier times, before her child's corpse was found in a wooded, swampy area blocks away from her parents...
With thanks to JustToiletPaper.com : Madoff Toilet Paper Mad about Madoff? Bernard Madoff put many people in the crapper, so now it's yo...
Fake Bernie Still Keeping It Real | Fox Business : Jay Berkman pretends to be someone he's not. Since December 2008, he has been blogg...
The Most Interesting Man in the World is an advertising campaign for Dos Equis beer, produced by the marketing firm Euro RSCG for Cuauhté...
From the New York Daily News: Steve Jobs dead: Legendary Apple founder and former CEO, dies after long battle with cancer
I discovered this gem, called Breaking Bad , only this season and have enjoyed it immensely. I have already loaded up my Netflix with Season...
Casey findings something to laugh about; father George, clearly, suffers. Casey Anthony is ordered to pay more than a Florida judge had orig...
Will World War 2 ever end? Probably never. Every day new information surfaces, revelations espoused, holes filled. Now we see another high-p...
SAS forces in France during the second World War. Secret records from the earliest days of the Special Air Service (SAS) carrying out daring...
Every mob wife -- except supposedly for the wife of now-deceased Joe "Piney" Armone, formerly of the Gambino crime family --- even...
Rebecca Zahau either committed suicide or was murdered in her billionaire boyfriend's mansion after the accidental death of his son fr...
Bloomberg does something rare in politics; protects his former deputy, offering no apologies. I have difficulty when it comes to Mayor B...