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Thursday, 7 April 2011

Info Post

I haven't been to the movies in quite a while -- so I decided to go today. There are a few films I'd like to see, but I went with "Insidious," mainly because it was playing at a good time at my local Queens-based megaplex (and I fell in love with Rose Byrne after seeing her in "The Dead Girl," whose lead actress, Brittany Murphy, you will recall has since herself died. Rose has this incredibly strong Aussie accent, it is amazing how she can just drop it and sound so American in films).

I don't have time right now to write a full review, which I plan on doing later tonight or tomorrow, but I will say this: I rarely get scared by films -- at least not since my childhood, when films like "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" (a TV film when I saw it back in the 1970s; a remake is coming out in a few months), "Blacula" (yes, that one kept me awake at night -- literally -- those blue-faced vampires really scared the shit out of me) and "Dawn of the Dead" (the original and remake). And I can't forget to add Lucio Fulci's Zombie to films that haunted my childhood.

"Insidious" scared the shit out of me,  probably one of the first films in decades to do so. When it was over, I walked out of the theater, thankfully into sunlight, and started working over the ending in my head. I dont know how it is doing financially or what other critics are saying, but if you like horror flicks, check this one out.

Let's see if anyone out there is reading this ..... (I know my average daily readership, so it is a question of overcoming laziness) ..... so, leave a comment, you lazybones out there, and tell me: what movies have scared the hell out of you?


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