Breaking News
Saturday, 16 July 2011

Info Post
Casey Anthony's Death Sentence In Effect? Threats and Attacks Foreshadow Casey's Serious Danger - International Business Times: "To Casey Anthony herself, hundreds of death threats were sent to her via Facebook and Twitter. One Facebook message reads, 'I got my gear and sights ready for Sunday!'

Anthony's legal team also received email threats, including a modified photo of Anthony with a bullet hole through her forehead.

Defense attorney Cheney Mason expressed his concern, saying 'we fear for her safety.' Sgt. John Allen warned indignant citizens, saying, 'A lot of people have strong sentiments about the outcome... Nobody has the right to take the law into their own hands,'

While 'how' and 'when' of the release are unclear, security experts explained to the Associated Press that the release should be in the middle of the night, and Anthony ought to be immediately rushed away to a safe house for days or even weeks. 'Due to the high-profile nature of this case and intense, emotional interest by the public, appropriate measures will be taken to release the individual into the community in such a manner so as to preserve the safety of the individual and public,' said jail spokesman Allen Moore in an email to the AP."


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