article on a Forbes blog, FREED THINKING by Daniel Freedman, provides some interesting information regarding how Madoff operated. He had a partner, an Austrian banker named Sonja Kohn, without whom Madoff wouldn't have been able to keep his thieving machinery purring, according to court-appointed trustee Irving Picard. Here's a taste of the piece, which is worth a read
“In Sonja Kohn, Madoff found a criminal soul mate, whose greed and dishonest inventiveness equaled his own.” – Irving Picard.
"The official investigation into the assassination of John F. Kennedy may have concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman, but those investigating Bernard (“Bernie”) Madoff’s giant Ponzi scheme are not yet ready to accept his story that he was a lone operator. The second “gunman” in this case, according to Irving Picard – the court-appointed trustee charged with recovering assets – is an Austrian banker named Sonja Kohn.
Guenther Peroutka/Wirtschaftsblatt, via Sonja Kohn of Bank Medici. |
"In a 157-page complaint filed December 10 in a Manhattan courtroom, Picard accused Kohn of funneling $9.1 billion to Madoff through a variety of feeder funds, in exchange for millions of dollars in kickbacks (at least $62 million). Picard is suing her, however, for the full $19.6 billion Madoff is believed to have stolen (rather than “just” $9.1 billion) as the scheme “could not have continued for as long as it did” without the fresh capital she kept bringing....."
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