Breaking News
Friday, 14 January 2011

Info Post
A recently posted article on Rant Rave offers an update on the effort to drive the creation of a tier 5 for the long-time unemployed. This is likely to depress those supporting this:

"For over six months, the rapidly growing number of 99ers in America have flooded the internet with their personal tales of hardship, and of the tragedies that have befallen them as a result of the job crises created by Wall Street -- and Government -- corruption. Despite their efforts to be seen and heard by the President and CONgress, the 99ers and their pleas for a Tier 5 Unemployment Extension have been ignored. A Tier 5 petition which garnered well over 40,000 signatures has been sent to Washington D.C., but still no response by the U.S. Government. After countless letters, emails, and faxes, the long-term unemployed are now being asked by one member of CONgress to send in their resumés -- what a joke! Over 10 million people, and their families, are being systematically forced into homelessness and starvation right in front of your eyes, America. Like it or not, if something is not done soon then we will ALL have much bigger problems on our hands."


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