Breaking News
Saturday, 4 June 2011

Info Post
"Everyone is watching Casey Anthony's every move, including the jury, who will ultimately decide the 25-year-old mother's fate," reports The rest of the story follows:

But as everyone watches Casey during her murder trial, her body language seems to be painting a very different picture than it did nearly three years ago.

Casey has now been in court many times, and there has certainly been a growing difference in her appearance and mood.

From a physical perspective, Casey's hair is now much longer, she's gained a little bit of weight, and there has also been a change with how she interacts with other people in the courtroom.

Lately, we have not seen her joking, laughing or smiling.

According to body language expert Susan Constantine, that's because there is now a lot more at stake. Now that she's on trial for murder, it's more real.

"This whole case is about demeanor and deception, and her demeanor just doesn't match up to what she is saying," said Constantine. "That's why people are questioning her truthfulness."

"What I do as a body language expert is I look at what's being spoken at that moment, then look over and see what her response is," she continued. "Is that expression something that should be expressed at that moment? If it doesn't match, she has removed herself. She has distanced herself, and that is profound."
What to watch for during the trial

According to Constantine, "Body Language 101" isn't just about watching a gesture and defining what it means.

Here's an interesting fact: We transmit 2,000 silent messages of communication every hour. Every single gesture is based on an emotion inside of us.

Look at facial expressions, voice, and tie that into the content.


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