Breaking News
Friday, 17 June 2011

Info Post
"When Judge Stan Strickland recused himself from the Casey Anthony case Monday, the conversation started about Chief Judge Belvin Perry, who will take over," writes the Orlando Sentinel in a revealing profile.

I once read that the best judges often give the appearance of occasionally falling asleep during testimony -- only to snap to like a drill instructor the moment a situation arises that requires immediate action on their part.

These judges have brilliant minds that easily digest the 95% of a trial that is routine and come alive during that 5% that matter most, bringing to bear their considerable experience and knowledge of the law to adroitly handle the defense, the state, maybe the jury or even the court reporter.

Belvin, to this reporter, seems to fall into that category of judge. Don't let his sleepy demeanor drenched in Southern charm fool you. He is a shark in a black robe and was not put on that bench for nothing.

This profile from the Orlando Sentinel is quite interesting, here is some more of it, if you care to read it:

"Perry was a big story on Monday’s late news and this morning.

"He was a big topic of conversation at dinner last night, too. A lawyer friend tells me, ”He’s a no BS kind of guy.” And my friend warns that no one should be confused by Perry’s manner. He may look as if he’s falling asleep at times, but he’s thinking deeply and taking in what others are saying, my friend says."


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